Nancy Shock – President
Olivia Lazarus — Vice President

I got my first Beardie and show dog, Doris, in 2004. We also have Luke and Panda from Doris’ litter born in December of 2007. My husband Norm, who has previously served on the Board, and I have been involved with Conformation, Sheep Herding, Rally, Tracking, Therapy Dog work, Nosework, and Agility. We also enjoy our Beardies just as pets. Karen Deitke – Treasurer

I joined RMBCC in 2015 after adopting a rescue Beardie puppy (Linus) from BCCA.  This, I thought, was my first experience with a Beardie.  However I realized that a dog I adopted from the Denver Dumb Friends League in 1992 may have been part bearded collie.  That dog died in 2004, and I was in search of one with very similar qualities.  That lead me to a Briard, then to a Bouvier, but it wasn’t until I adopted my puppy Linus that I found what I was looking for!  Linus and I currently enjoy agility, rally, obedience, therapy dog visits, and snuggling on the couch 🙂
Deb McAlister – Recording/Corresponding Secretary

My husband and I have owned herding dogs (Old English Sheepdogs, a Briard mix and Beardies) for nearly 35 years. Our first beardie, Lucy, came from a CO breeder and we have since had 4 others. Max and Reo are our current beardies and we love them to bits! Our dogs are pets, and we haven’t shown them, but 3 have experienced herding dog instinct and 2 passed. I have been retired from teaching in the Ft. Collins public schools for 16 years, and enjoy spending time traveling with Chris, being with my beardies and quilting friends. I am glad I can assist RMBCC as secretary. This is a great group of people and dogs.
Meg Naylor – Director

I have had Bearded Collies for over 30 years and have also been a member of both the RMBCC and BCCA since the 1980s. I love the breed and, over the years, have had 12 Beardies. Currently, my husband Michael and I have 4 Beardie girls, including Jewel, EMIE, Paisley, and Dakota. I’ve competed and titled my dogs in agility, herding, conformation, tricks, obedience, and rally. EMIE has achieved the prestigious BCCA title, Master Of Versatility.

Over the years, I have held most of the RMBCC offices and am currently a Board Director. As Membership Chair, I enjoy meeting fellow Beardie owners and their furry companions.

Colleen Fitzgerald — Director

My love of Beardie’s began in the early 2000’s with a Beardie mix.  One Beardie led to another and now after 23 years, we are on our fourth adoption. We adopted one at one year, a nine-year-old, an eleven-year-old, and now a 4-year-old.  It was not until this last Beardie that I became involved with the RMBCC.  My current Beardie, Cormac, has received numerous Trick Dog titles over the years but mostly we just practice for fun and do lots of hiking.  I am new to the board but have enjoyed helping as much as I can and meeting other enthusiastic Beardie owners.  Beardies are a special breed and as my current trainer has told me “I know, it is a Beardie thing.  I would not understand.”  She is correct!